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Our call for safe bike lanes goes beyond cyclists' needs. We champion a healthier, climate-friendly, and exuberant Edmonton, inviting everyone to join this transformative journey. These lanes provide safe ways for all Edmontonians, including people in wheelchairs, scooters, children biking to school, rollerbladers, and more!

The Story of YEG Bike Coalition

In 2014, a vibrant group of dedicated Edmontonians came together to form the Edmonton Bike Coalition. Their goal? Advocate for high-quality, on-street bike routes in our city. Through our memorable #ibike campaign, over 1,000 Edmontonians showcased their support with "I bike" signs. Their voices resonated, leading to the successful funding of two pivotal routes: 83rd and 102nd Avenues, in November 2014.

Since 2014, we've organized when we've felt the need and seen the opportunity to bring the community together. 

Now, in 2023, is one of those times. The Edmonton Bike Plan has been released, council has allocated $100,000,000 to improve the quality and connectivtiy of Edmonton's bike lane network. We are re-activating now to ensure that this money is well-allocated, to ensure that bike lanes that get built encourage active transportation, and to remove th emissing links and other small safety issues that only a cyclist could identify.

Our vision

A vibrant Edmonton where cycling is celebrated, promoted, and seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, infrastructure, and culture. We dream of streets where children ride freely, commuters choose two wheels over four, and the beautiful Edmonton landscape is enjoyed on a leisurely bike ride. We picture an effervescent Edmonton where cycling is an integral part of our ethos. A city where children's laughter accompanies their wheels, professionals choose bikes for their daily commute, and everyone savors the beauty of Edmonton at a gentle pedal—even in winter.

three people

Moments from our past

  • 75 Street and 101 Avenue Protest (June 18, 2022): Our unity was palpable as we rallied against a potentially perilous design for the 101 Avenue – 75 Street Intersection.
  • Car-Free 102 Avenue Initiative: While our dream for a car-free 102 ave between 99 street and 103 street remains unfulfilled, it refueled our zeal for safer urban landscapes.
  • 101 Ave Bike Lane Workshop (May 21, 2022): We pooled intellectual resources to reimagine the bike lane stretch between 50 street and 84 street.

Our mission


We tirelessly push for policies that prioritize cycling infrastructure, safety, and awareness.


We tirelessly push for policies that prioritize cycling infrastructure, safety, and awareness.


Through group rides, events, and partnerships, we celebrate Edmonton’s vibrant bike culture.

Subscribe to stay updated as we work to advocate for safer infrastructure and activate the community!